Monday, October 22, 2012

Need Some Help Here

Here are some of my faults:
--I'm a picky eater
--I can be judgemental (but seriously who can't)
--I am extremely opinionated
--My mouth most of the time sometimes gets me in trouble
--I yell at my kids more than I would like to
--I HATE to clean bathrooms and can usually rope my hubby into doing it

     My list could go on, but seriously, we don't have time for that!  One thing I'm struggling with lately makes me question my intellect.  Makes me feel like I really don't understand some of my fellow Americans.  Political parties aside, can someone please explain to me this whole ''war on women'' BS!?  Let me back this up a bit.  YES, I am a woman.  Yes, I believe in equal rights for women.  Yes, I believe that a woman's body is hers and that no one has the right to make decisions about her body but her.  YES, I take birth control and plan to continue to do so.  But, I also believe that a woman does NOT deserve a job or $$ over a man who is better qualified for the job than she.  I also believe that there is no harm in giving a woman considering an abortion a look at ALL her options.  I also believe that taxpayer $$ should not go to said abortion if a woman chooses to have one, and I also believe it is not the government's job to provide birth control. 
     In many circles now days I would be called a ''sell-out'', or ''sexist'' (which is just funny honestly).  Some might even say that what I just stated as MY BELIEFS to be an oxymoron, but seriously folks...I just don't get it!  If the whole ''feminist'' movement was about women's rights and independence, then how in the hell can there be a war on women waged by male politicians?  Aren't women really waging war on themselves?  I was raised to believe I could do anything a man could do, and if I wanted to, I could do it better!  Isn't that what the strong women in the past fought for?  So we today could have the rights and ability to be CEO's, doctors, lawyers, firefighters, police officers ect.. ?  Why on earth would any woman that claims to be a ''feminist'' want ANYONE to pay for their damn birth control!?  News flash--IT'S NOT A RIGHT!!!  Are cancer drugs a right?  Better yet, are drugs to prevent any kind of illness a right?  Why should drugs that prevent pregnancy a right!?  I have always paid for my own birth control, even in my early 20's when I didn't have health insurance, I still paid for it! Why?  Because I didn't want to get pregnant, and as a strong, independent young woman I understood it was my responsibility to take care of one else's!!
      Now, I am not ignorant to the fact that there are men (politicians included) that are sexist and believe women should be subservient to their husbands/significant others (they are assholes), bare foot and pregnant so to speak.  I know there are politicians that are 'pro-life' and 'anti-birth control', but I have NEVER heard any of them say they would impose laws to make sure no woman could have access to either!  All I've heard them say is just what I believe, it's your right to do it, but it's not your right to burden the American taxpayer with it!
     So I just don't get why so many women are against so many women in this election!  The common goal of women should be to prop each other up, not knock each other down!  There is so much bad in America right now (Hello, can you say economy, jobless and the deficit) that I just don't get why a woman's vagina has been thrown front and center!!  I can tell you this much...since I was able to vote (think Slick Willie's 1st term) my rights and my vagina's rights have remained unchanged!  And I don't foresee any change in that status come next January even if we have a new set of politicians in the White House!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

America, Getting It Right Since...Never

I got this in one of those chain e-mails recently.  Usually I just delete these kinds of things, but this one got me this true?  If it is, why is no one talking about all these failed programs under BOTH parties?  Why is no one in Washington willing to take this on in a logical, bi-partisan way?  Then I remembered all the jack wagons currently serving and I answered my own questions!!  But I was still curious, so I started researching all this and from what I can gather it is true (you know, cause the Internet says so).  So I thought I would share. We have to fix whats broken in order to get this country back, and unfortunately government and their programs are even more busted than ever!  Good Luck America!!

Wal-Mart vs. The Morons

1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart Every hour of every day.

2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!

3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.

4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.

5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the world's largest private employer, and most speak English.

6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.

7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only fifteen years.

8. During this same period, 31 big supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.

9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.

10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five years ago.

11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at Wal-Mart stores. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.)

12.90% of all Americans live within fifteen miles of a Wal-Mart.

You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground work for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to fix the economy.

This should be read and understood by all Americans Democrats, Republicans, EVERYONE!!

To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature

It is now official that the majority of you are corrupt morons:

1. The U.S.Postal Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke.

2. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.

3. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.

4. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more..

5. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.

6. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.

7. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars.


Folks, keep this circulating.. It is very well stated. Maybe it will end up in the e-mails of some of our "duly elected' (they never read anything) and their staff will clue them in on how Americans feel.


I know what's wrong. We have lost our minds to "Political Correctness" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone please tell me what the HELL's wrong with all the people that run this country!!!!!!

We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.,??????????? In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti, Chile, and Turkey .. And now Pakistan ......previous home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour Hundreds of Billions of $$$'s and Tons of Food to Foreign Countries! We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans.

AMERICA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without 'needed' meds, and mentally ill without treatment -etc,etc.


They have a 'Benefit' for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies.

Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries. Sad isn't it?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'll Take a 12 Pack Nugget and a Sweet Tea Please!

Quick rant:

Let’s talk a little about Chick-fil-A (CFA for blogs sake) for a moment shall we.  CFA will NOT be discriminating against people who wish to buy food from them. To do so, CFA would be exposing themselves to a massive class action lawsuit from the LGBT community as that group is likely to find protection under the Civil Rights Act (64, 91). CFA will also NOT be discriminating against potential employees who are LGBT. To do so would break laws enforced by the EEOC, a specific government agency devoted to stopping just such discrimination.  So, if you don’t like what Dan Cathy said, that’s fine. But can we please stop squealing with offense because CFA is “discriminating” against people!? As soon as CFA denies service to someone because they’re gay or denies employment to someone because they’re gay, THEN you can get all pissy and will be justified and righteous in being such.  Now, if you want to boycott, picket, pee your pants or whatever because you don’t like what Mr. Cathy said, feel free! Have at it!  Knock yourself out! Enjoy your right to free speech. Mr. Cathy exercised just that right the other day!  I’ll be over here eating what I want to eat (the best freaking chicken nuggets EVER) and loving all the people I loved two weeks ago, plus any new folks I’ve come to love in the interim!  Oh, and from a business standpoint, I can’t believe he said that. Bad business, but clearly, he doesn’t care about that as much as he cares about his beliefs. There’s something admirable about that, even if you do hate what he had to say.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

stop apologizing

quick rant:)

Moms... we need to stop it.  Especially us who stay home.  Our house does not have to be immaculate at all times.  EVERY TIME someone comes by to drop off something, i get this overwhelming urge to apologize for the pile of clean towels waiting to be folded on my pool table. 
They dont care!  And if they do they are an asshole and shouldnt be your friend.  We live and work in our houses, and the results are constant piles of projects that we need to do our job properly. 
I am making it my mission to never again apologize for the state of my house unless someone just threw up or it smells like dirty diapers. 
I saw someone from my church make a lengthy apology to the teenager they paid to babysit the kids that all of the laundry wasnt put away.  So now we dont only have to keep everything up for our friends, we care what kids think too??!!  If that babysitter wants to make an extra buck, she should probably fold and put away the towels.  just sayin...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Mommy Wars BS

It’s so tempting to get riled up by the Mommy Wars, isn’t it?  The Time magazine cover story about attachment parenting, Are You Mom Enough?, featuring a beautiful mother in skinny jeans with her preschool-aged son hanging off her boob, is infamous by now. It made me, along with the rest of the mom's on the internet, explode with righteous indignation. Mom enough? How dare they! This isn't an effin contest! But, wait ... what if it is? And I don't even own skinny jeans!  The story also made me think about what I wanted to teach my kids—I mean really teach them.  I’m not talking about the trendy must-dos that crop up each year about feeding and sleeping and discipline, I’m talking about the things that I want to imprint on them (for life) when my breasts are covered and my skinny jeans are in the wash!
Here’s my wish list:

I hope I raise children who say “thank you” to the bus driver when they gets off the bus, “please” to the waiter taking their order at the restaurant, and holds the elevator doors when someone’s rushing to get in.

I hope I raise children who lose graciously and win without bragging. I hope they learn that disappointments are fleeting and so are triumphs, and if they come home at night to people who love them, neither one matter. Nobody is keeping score, except sometimes on Facebook.

I hope I raise children who are kind to old people.

I hope I raise children that realizes life is unfair: Some people are born rich or gorgeous. Some people really are handed things that they don’t deserve. Some people luck into jobs or wealth that they don’t earn. Tough shit...I want them to learn that if they study hard and work harder they too can have riches! (and I don't necessarily mean money)

I hope I raise children who gets what they want just often enough to keep them optimistic but not enough to make them spoiled.

I hope I raise children who knows that they're loved and special but that they're not the center of the universe and never, ever will be.

I hope I raise children who will stick up for a kid who’s being bullied on the playground. I also hope I raise children who, if they're the one being bullied, fights back. Hard. Oh, and if they're the bully? I hope they realize that their mother will cause them more pain than a bully ever could!!

I hope I raise children who relishes life’s tiny pleasures—whether it’s a piece of music, or the color of a gorgeous flower, or Chinese takeout on a rainy Sunday night.

I hope I raise children that are open-minded and curious about the world without being reckless.

I hope I raise children that do not need to affirm their self-worth through bigotry, snobbery, materialism, or violence.

I hope I raise children who like to read.

I hope I raise children that are courageous when sick and grateful when healthy.

I hope I raise children that will begin and end all relationships straightforwardly and honorably.

I hope I raise children who can spot superficiality and artifice from a mile away and spend their time with people and things that feel authentic to them.

I hope I raise children who make quality friends and keeps them.

I hope I raise children who realize their parents are flawed but loves them ferociously.

And I hope that if my children turn out to be  colossal screw-ups, I can take it in stride. I hope I remember that they're their own person, and there’s only so much I can do.  They are not an appendage to be dangled from my breasts on the cover of a magazines!  Their success is not my ego’s accessory, and I am not Super Mom.

I hope for all of these things, but I know this:  NOT ONE of these wishes has a thing to do with how I feed them,  sleep-train them, or god-knows-what-else them!! Which is how I know that these fabricated “wars” are phony every step of the way. I do not need the expensive stroller. I do not need to go into mourning if my "sleep-training method" is actually a "prayer ritual" that involves tiptoeing around the house in the dark. This is not a damn test. It’s a game called Extreme Parenting, and you can’t lose if you don’t play. And, really, why would I play? I have children to raise!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Top Five

The past few of weeks-news wise-has been very maddening for me! Here are the top 5 things that have just set me off in the past few weeks.

#1- Parents that keep the babies gender hidden from society because they don't want their children labeled! (

Give me a fuckin break!! Look, I agree that there are too many pressures these days; girls to be girly, boys to be masculine, dress, look, act a certain way to be accepted...but this shit has always happened and always will! You wanna break the trend start in your home, but not while stripping your child of their gender!! Gender is a part of us, it is helps mold us into the person we are suppose to be! If little boy A wants to play with dolls, then let him!! If little girl A wants to play with car/trucks, then let her! However, to not share with them our knowledge as parents and let them know that not all people in the world will be accepting of that, then I think we as parents have failed them!! My son plays dress-up with my daughter, sometime he even puts on her princess dresses...I giggle cause it's cute, I don't encourage it, but I equally don't stifle it!! However if he wanted to go to school in a Cinderella shirt I would be inclined to explain to him that he might be made fun of, not to hurt him, but to keep him from getting hurt!! See how easy that allow them to be them, make their own decisions (to a point) but at the same time you are educating them to the reality of the cruelty of this society! The idiot mother in this article states;

''Sasha dresses in clothes he likes -- be it a hand-me-downs from his sister or his brother. The big no-no's are hyper-masculine outfits like skull-print shirts and cargo pants. In one photo, sent to friends and family, Sasha's dressed in a shiny pink girl's swimsuit. "Children like sparkly things," says Beck. "And if someone thought Sasha was a girl because he was wearing a pink swimming costume, then what effect would that have? "

**WARNING..foul language ahead**
Are you shitting me!? I haven't heard that much bullshit come out of one person in a LONG time!! How the fuck are you encouraging them to be who they are if ''skull shirts and cargo pants'' aren't ok, but ''a shiny pink girl's swimsuit'' is!? AND then she has enough nerve to question what effect that might have!!! Let me clue you in you clueless bitch....the effect it's gonna have is *my mommy MUST have wanted a girl because she let's me wear girl clothes but not boy clothes!!

Let me make one thing clear, I AM NOT anti-gay!! I don't want anything I have said to be taken that way!! If one of my children came to me one day and told me they were gay, I would still be the most loving supportive mother!! But there is a huge difference between forcing your children into typical stereotypes (which was her reasoning) and teaching them how to love one another, and be accepting of all those who don't look or act like you!! I see bullying in this kids future, not because his parents let him dress in a girls swimsuit but because they didn't teach him how to be strong, hold his head up and be proud of the little boy he is!!

#2- Modern Family asked to not air the episode with Lily cussing (to which they said eff you we're airing it!!)

Let me start by saying this...FUNNIEST SHOW ON TV and best episode in a long time!

To quote one of the opposers:
"It is certainly in poor taste," Melissa Henson, the director of communications and public education for PTC told Fox411 before the episode aired. "The more we see and hear this kind of language on television, the more acceptable and common it will become in the real world. Since television is constantly adding to the likelihood that children will be exposed to this kind of language, we will naturally see more and more children eventually emulate that behavior.''

OK, with that out of the way....really people??? Get over yourself, YOU have the power to turn the F(beep)ING channel!! That's one thing we grown ups have as a right, to watch a certain TV show or to not watch a certain TV show...AND, they bleeped the word out!! You didn't even hear it, the word used was assumed!! They didn't even let the little actor say the word, they coached her to say 'fudge' on set!!
The other thing we as adults/parents can do is... (wait for it) filter/screen what our children watch and do not watch on TV!! (don't ya just love being in charge!?) I for one DVR Modern Family because I don't want my kids to watch it and then I watch it when my kids are in bed (*hands over mouth*...yes even YOU can do that!!).
If you are a parent and have stubbed your toe and said 'dammit that hurt' in front of your 2 yr old, I guarantee that at some point in the near future your precious 2 yr old is gonna hurt his/her self and say 'dammit that hut'!!! Then we as parents giggle (only for the slightest second) and proceed to explain that we don't say that cause it's a bad word and that mommy should have never said that!! See that's the way MOST parents work!! WE aren't perfect, we didn't get a damn manual on 'How To Raise Perfect Children' because you see perfect is an urban legend! Perfect is reserved for assholes that think entirely too much of if you are raising a ''perfect'' child, the you sir/madam are raising an asshole!!

#3- I am SO sick of political stereotypes and all the hate (in politics) these days!! We have all heard the political stereotypes being thrown around by both political parties – Republicans are old white men, Democrats care about the poor – blah, blah. There are dozens of these stereotypes for each party. But how many people do you know that do not match the common political stereotypes for their party?? Before I go any further I will try to list as many of these stereotypes as I can. I know I will miss some so feel free to remind me.

Democrats – weak on defense, intellectual, environmentalist, gay, anti-business, young, hippies, pro-choice, pro-UN, socialist, communist, anarchist, anti-American, pro-gun control, support higher taxes, support big government, multicultural, progressive, support redistribution of wealth, pro-science, anti-rich, cultured, Pro-free expression, for the common man/woman, inclusive, fans of pop/rock or hip-hop music, media friendly, pro-labor, New England-er, Liberal, liar, pro-separation of church and state

Republican – racist, warmonger, white, male, pro-business, anti-worker, fundamentalist Christian, Nazi, fascist, redneck, pro-personal responsibility, likes country music, ignorant, uneducated, not worldly, isolationist, intolerant, pro-gun, greedy, exploitative, rude, cowboy, NASCAR fan or sports fan in general, Southern, Conservative, anti-old people, hunter, rich, pro-life, anti-gay, anti-science, creationists, against the Arts, pro-censorship, liar, pro school prayer

OK, I know that these lists are not complete and I know that there are some on here that you might disagree with or feel are inaccurate. That is the point of stereotypes – they do not have to be accurate and frequently are very inaccurate. Take a look at the list. How many of these stereotypes match your beliefs and your party affiliation?

Here are my political beliefs, you tell me what party I belong to!
-I am a white female who believes in personal responsibility.
-I believe that welfare is good, but MUST have regulations to limit abuse.
-I am a believer of God who loves Heavy Metal, Rock and some Rap music. (and Justin Beiber)
-I am immensely interested in science and technology and believe that many of society’s problems will be/can be solved by the proper application of both.
-I believe in free markets and free trade.
-I do not want higher taxes but understand it's the end game (at some point) to get out of our country's debt.
-I do not like the UN but I am not an isolationist.
-I do not hunt or want my children to.
-I am not rich.
-I am pro-choice, yet I would not choose to have an abortion.
-I believe that all gays should have the same rights as myself.
-I believe that evolution is more likely than creationism to be able explain human origins, but still go to church and believe in most of the teachings.
-I have attended college but I have no degree, yet.
-I think that immigration is important to the future of the country, but I support English only rules for government and schools.
-I think the US-Mexico boarder is in need of greater security (as is the US-Canadian boarder), but I also think we need to make it easier for Mexicans to enter the country legally.
-I love art and music in all of its forms but I do not think the government should spend the people’s money supporting it, except in schools!
-I am not worried about the outsourcing of jobs to other countries, but I also think there should be incentives for companies to stay in America.
-I am against censorship but I think most people have no idea what censorship really is (it's more than cuss words and nudity people).
-I am a Patriot, but I really love our friends from all over the planet (no matter what country you are from).
-I hate Michael Moore!!!!
-I did not vote for Obama (frankly don't think he's a good POTUS), but I have NEVER and will never disrespect his office!

So there you have it, what party do I belong too? How do you fit into the common stereotypes? Do you think that the political parties do a good job representing your views? I believe that both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party have gone to the extreme in many of their views and have forgotten that most people are in the middle!

#4- If I wanna call my kid an asshole, It's my right!!
The other day I was reading a blog (which I LOVE) called Scary Mom ( She had posted a blog in which she called her oldest child a lazy asshole. A few days later she had to post a disclaimer saying that if you don't like what I write then don't read my blog! Seriously, the poor woman got hate e-mails telling her she was a horrible mother for saying that!! To clarify...she didn't call her oldest child-to their face-that they were a lazy asshole, she said it on her blog...a blog that she has stated many time her children are not allowed to read (they are young)! WOW, some people need to get a life....she isn't beating them! Here are a list of some of the things I've said about my kids (NOT TO THEM), mainly to my sister, my SIL, my husband (their father), and my friends:
-He's acting like an asshole
-She's acting like a little bitch
-He's acting like a little bitch
-He really needs to grow a pair of balls
-I'm gonna punch him/her in the face if they don't stop whining
-Her voice is like nails on a fucking chalkboard
-If I have to dress one more Barbie I might stab her with it
-They are sucking my will to live
-If I step on one more Lego I'm gonna stab him in the foot with it and see how he likes it
-I have to go a beat their asses now
-If they don't shut up and eat I'm gonna starve them to death and see if they shut up about food then

I'm sure the list could go on! We as parents say many things out of anger/exhaustion but what makes a good parent and one with a decent sense of humor is one that can say these things without our kids hearing (like a fuckin ninja parent)!! I mean I LOVE them more than I love you really think, I think my boy is an asshole!? I think he can act like one, but I also know I can act like a bitch and I'm not...ok well maybe I am!! The point here is if someone wants to call CPS on me because I am having an adult night with my hubby and I say I'm gonna stab my babygirl with a Barbie, then GO THE HELL FOR IT!!! You know what they will find when they get here? A home that is so full of love it is bursting! So screw you goody-two-shoes!!

#5- The Texas Ranger's just signed a 25yr old Japanese pitcher to a 6yr, 60MILLION $$ deal!! Darvish is his name...60 MILLION! All I have to say is where the fuck is the Occupy movement!? I'm gonna encourage a new movement~Occupy Professional Sports/Hollywood~because they are the most over-paid, over-rated members of society!! You want redistribution of wealth Occupy that bitches!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Please God!

*this post should be considered answered, because God got to my prayer before i could post it:)

I always find Christmas shopping for my kids both fun and depressing.  We dont buy them anything during the year, so they are so excited and appreciative.
All of their friends, on the other hand, are the complete opposite.

Every time they go to walmart, something new is in the cart, and their rooms are overflowing with crap that they dont treat well, and have broken and shoved everywhere.
I got Giada her first Lalaloopsy doll this year.  I was quick to find out from all the moms, that their kids (age 4 mind you) already had all of them, and they were getting them 3 new ones this year.  3??  wth?  why??
Nicko was allowed this year to ask his grandparents for a Nintendo DS.  I knew they would buy it, and was excited for him.  He also let me know that all of his friends at school have had one since they were 4.  Are you freaking kidding me??
Dimitri got a star wars lego guy alarm clock as his birthday present.  I guess im a shitty parent becasue i only spent $40 on my six year old instead of $300 like our neighbor...  Personally i think 40 bucks is an insane price for a clock thats not from Pottery Barn, but aparently about 4 of his friends got a similar one just for the hell of it years ago. There goes all my thunder:(

I just want some friends for my kids that arent spoiled, and dont have EVERYTHING given to them.
THose kind of kids would be a joy to have for a playdate.  Then, maybe, if say, they break my son's brand new remote control car, that was one of THREE presents he got for Christmas from us that year, they would actually feel bad about it.

are they out there??!!

*I will add to this post that they ARE out there, and they happen to life one cul-de-sac away:)  Thank you God for sending my kids a friend for each kid, of the same age and gender, who are sweet and calm, and have Christian parents :)  What an answer to prayer!