The past few of weeks-news wise-has been very maddening for me! Here are the top 5 things that have just set me off in the past few weeks.
#1- Parents that keep the babies gender hidden from society because they don't want their children labeled! (
Give me a fuckin break!! Look, I agree that there are too many pressures these days; girls to be girly, boys to be masculine, dress, look, act a certain way to be accepted...but this shit has always happened and always will! You wanna break the trend start in your home, but not while stripping your child of their gender!! Gender is a part of us, it is helps mold us into the person we are suppose to be! If little boy A wants to play with dolls, then let him!! If little girl A wants to play with car/trucks, then let her! However, to not share with them our knowledge as parents and let them know that not all people in the world will be accepting of that, then I think we as parents have failed them!! My son plays dress-up with my daughter, sometime he even puts on her princess dresses...I giggle cause it's cute, I don't encourage it, but I equally don't stifle it!! However if he wanted to go to school in a Cinderella shirt I would be inclined to explain to him that he might be made fun of, not to hurt him, but to keep him from getting hurt!! See how easy that allow them to be them, make their own decisions (to a point) but at the same time you are educating them to the reality of the cruelty of this society! The idiot mother in this article states;
''Sasha dresses in clothes he likes -- be it a hand-me-downs from his sister or his brother. The big no-no's are hyper-masculine outfits like skull-print shirts and cargo pants. In one photo, sent to friends and family, Sasha's dressed in a shiny pink girl's swimsuit. "Children like sparkly things," says Beck. "And if someone thought Sasha was a girl because he was wearing a pink swimming costume, then what effect would that have? "
**WARNING..foul language ahead**
Are you shitting me!? I haven't heard that much bullshit come out of one person in a LONG time!! How the fuck are you encouraging them to be who they are if ''skull shirts and cargo pants'' aren't ok, but ''a shiny pink girl's swimsuit'' is!? AND then she has enough nerve to question what effect that might have!!! Let me clue you in you clueless bitch....the effect it's gonna have is *my mommy MUST have wanted a girl because she let's me wear girl clothes but not boy clothes!!
Let me make one thing clear, I AM NOT anti-gay!! I don't want anything I have said to be taken that way!! If one of my children came to me one day and told me they were gay, I would still be the most loving supportive mother!! But there is a huge difference between forcing your children into typical stereotypes (which was her reasoning) and teaching them how to love one another, and be accepting of all those who don't look or act like you!! I see bullying in this kids future, not because his parents let him dress in a girls swimsuit but because they didn't teach him how to be strong, hold his head up and be proud of the little boy he is!!
#2- Modern Family asked to not air the episode with Lily cussing (to which they said eff you we're airing it!!)
Let me start by saying this...FUNNIEST SHOW ON TV and best episode in a long time!
To quote one of the opposers:
"It is certainly in poor taste," Melissa Henson, the director of communications and public education for PTC told Fox411 before the episode aired. "The more we see and hear this kind of language on television, the more acceptable and common it will become in the real world. Since television is constantly adding to the likelihood that children will be exposed to this kind of language, we will naturally see more and more children eventually emulate that behavior.''
OK, with that out of the way....really people??? Get over yourself, YOU have the power to turn the F(beep)ING channel!! That's one thing we grown ups have as a right, to watch a certain TV show or to not watch a certain TV show...AND, they bleeped the word out!! You didn't even hear it, the word used was assumed!! They didn't even let the little actor say the word, they coached her to say 'fudge' on set!!
The other thing we as adults/parents can do is... (wait for it) filter/screen what our children watch and do not watch on TV!! (don't ya just love being in charge!?) I for one DVR Modern Family because I don't want my kids to watch it and then I watch it when my kids are in bed (*hands over mouth*...yes even YOU can do that!!).
If you are a parent and have stubbed your toe and said 'dammit that hurt' in front of your 2 yr old, I guarantee that at some point in the near future your precious 2 yr old is gonna hurt his/her self and say 'dammit that hut'!!! Then we as parents giggle (only for the slightest second) and proceed to explain that we don't say that cause it's a bad word and that mommy should have never said that!! See that's the way MOST parents work!! WE aren't perfect, we didn't get a damn manual on 'How To Raise Perfect Children' because you see perfect is an urban legend! Perfect is reserved for assholes that think entirely too much of if you are raising a ''perfect'' child, the you sir/madam are raising an asshole!!
#3- I am SO sick of political stereotypes and all the hate (in politics) these days!! We have all heard the political stereotypes being thrown around by both political parties – Republicans are old white men, Democrats care about the poor – blah, blah. There are dozens of these stereotypes for each party. But how many people do you know that do not match the common political stereotypes for their party?? Before I go any further I will try to list as many of these stereotypes as I can. I know I will miss some so feel free to remind me.
Democrats – weak on defense, intellectual, environmentalist, gay, anti-business, young, hippies, pro-choice, pro-UN, socialist, communist, anarchist, anti-American, pro-gun control, support higher taxes, support big government, multicultural, progressive, support redistribution of wealth, pro-science, anti-rich, cultured, Pro-free expression, for the common man/woman, inclusive, fans of pop/rock or hip-hop music, media friendly, pro-labor, New England-er, Liberal, liar, pro-separation of church and state
Republican – racist, warmonger, white, male, pro-business, anti-worker, fundamentalist Christian, Nazi, fascist, redneck, pro-personal responsibility, likes country music, ignorant, uneducated, not worldly, isolationist, intolerant, pro-gun, greedy, exploitative, rude, cowboy, NASCAR fan or sports fan in general, Southern, Conservative, anti-old people, hunter, rich, pro-life, anti-gay, anti-science, creationists, against the Arts, pro-censorship, liar, pro school prayer
OK, I know that these lists are not complete and I know that there are some on here that you might disagree with or feel are inaccurate. That is the point of stereotypes – they do not have to be accurate and frequently are very inaccurate. Take a look at the list. How many of these stereotypes match your beliefs and your party affiliation?
Here are my political beliefs, you tell me what party I belong to!
-I am a white female who believes in personal responsibility.
-I believe that welfare is good, but MUST have regulations to limit abuse.
-I am a believer of God who loves Heavy Metal, Rock and some Rap music. (and Justin Beiber)
-I am immensely interested in science and technology and believe that many of society’s problems will be/can be solved by the proper application of both.
-I believe in free markets and free trade.
-I do not want higher taxes but understand it's the end game (at some point) to get out of our country's debt.
-I do not like the UN but I am not an isolationist.
-I do not hunt or want my children to.
-I am not rich.
-I am pro-choice, yet I would not choose to have an abortion.
-I believe that all gays should have the same rights as myself.
-I believe that evolution is more likely than creationism to be able explain human origins, but still go to church and believe in most of the teachings.
-I have attended college but I have no degree, yet.
-I think that immigration is important to the future of the country, but I support English only rules for government and schools.
-I think the US-Mexico boarder is in need of greater security (as is the US-Canadian boarder), but I also think we need to make it easier for Mexicans to enter the country legally.
-I love art and music in all of its forms but I do not think the government should spend the people’s money supporting it, except in schools!
-I am not worried about the outsourcing of jobs to other countries, but I also think there should be incentives for companies to stay in America.
-I am against censorship but I think most people have no idea what censorship really is (it's more than cuss words and nudity people).
-I am a Patriot, but I really love our friends from all over the planet (no matter what country you are from).
-I hate Michael Moore!!!!
-I did not vote for Obama (frankly don't think he's a good POTUS), but I have NEVER and will never disrespect his office!
So there you have it, what party do I belong too? How do you fit into the common stereotypes? Do you think that the political parties do a good job representing your views? I believe that both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party have gone to the extreme in many of their views and have forgotten that most people are in the middle!
#4- If I wanna call my kid an asshole, It's my right!!
The other day I was reading a blog (which I LOVE) called Scary Mom ( She had posted a blog in which she called her oldest child a lazy asshole. A few days later she had to post a disclaimer saying that if you don't like what I write then don't read my blog! Seriously, the poor woman got hate e-mails telling her she was a horrible mother for saying that!! To clarify...she didn't call her oldest child-to their face-that they were a lazy asshole, she said it on her blog...a blog that she has stated many time her children are not allowed to read (they are young)! WOW, some people need to get a life....she isn't beating them! Here are a list of some of the things I've said about my kids (NOT TO THEM), mainly to my sister, my SIL, my husband (their father), and my friends:
-He's acting like an asshole
-She's acting like a little bitch
-He's acting like a little bitch
-He really needs to grow a pair of balls
-I'm gonna punch him/her in the face if they don't stop whining
-Her voice is like nails on a fucking chalkboard
-If I have to dress one more Barbie I might stab her with it
-They are sucking my will to live
-If I step on one more Lego I'm gonna stab him in the foot with it and see how he likes it
-I have to go a beat their asses now
-If they don't shut up and eat I'm gonna starve them to death and see if they shut up about food then
I'm sure the list could go on! We as parents say many things out of anger/exhaustion but what makes a good parent and one with a decent sense of humor is one that can say these things without our kids hearing (like a fuckin ninja parent)!! I mean I LOVE them more than I love you really think, I think my boy is an asshole!? I think he can act like one, but I also know I can act like a bitch and I'm not...ok well maybe I am!! The point here is if someone wants to call CPS on me because I am having an adult night with my hubby and I say I'm gonna stab my babygirl with a Barbie, then GO THE HELL FOR IT!!! You know what they will find when they get here? A home that is so full of love it is bursting! So screw you goody-two-shoes!!
#5- The Texas Ranger's just signed a 25yr old Japanese pitcher to a 6yr, 60MILLION $$ deal!! Darvish is his name...60 MILLION! All I have to say is where the fuck is the Occupy movement!? I'm gonna encourage a new movement~Occupy Professional Sports/Hollywood~because they are the most over-paid, over-rated members of society!! You want redistribution of wealth Occupy that bitches!!
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