Here are the top ''news'' stories on Yahoo today:
#1--Five Married Women On Why They Cheated
#2--Actress Passed Up For 'Notebook' Role
#3--The Shoe Styles Every Woman Should Own
#4--Police, Protesters Clash Again In Oakland
#5--Kim's Red Carpet Return Raises Eyebrows
Beyonce's Unquie 5 Inch Heels
#7--How Kim K. Told Mom About Divorce
I could go on, but let's just say this...FOUR (did you hear that) four out of the top forty eight news stories were actually about important shit!! Seriously, who gives a shit why women cheated on their husbands!? It doesn't affect me and my marriage (or anyone
else's I know for that matter)! I mean, I like shoes just as much as the next girl, but
come'on, it's not news! And as far as Kim K. and that train wreck, I am personally tired of hearing about it. I could really give a rats ass whether or not that waste of brain cells staged that wedding for publicity or not! She is insignificant and cheap...I mean she is famous really for nothing right!?

There is so much going on in America and around the world right now and THIS shit is what Yahoo considers news!? I truly am shocked they are still one of the #1 news sources on the
Internet! I do not care for
MsNBC (I personally think they are VERY one-sided politically) but I am about to make them my home page just so when I go online to read the news, I actually get the news (no matter how one-sided it is)! Come on people...America is in the
shitter, we should demand better out of our news sources. I'm not talking about politics
necessarily, but news! Ya know how about child hunger in AMERICA, under performing schools in AMERICA, unemployment in AMERICA and how it's affecting everyday people not politicians,
health care and rising insurance rates in AMERICA, our troops still in war in
Afghanistan (all the news is focusing on is the troops leaving Iraq)
ect... There are real problems out there that NO ONE in the news follows, not because they don't know about it, but because bullshit politics is what gives ratings! All the back and forth bickering and backstabbing is what makes's such a sad state we are in here and it seems like no one is willing to take the high road and put the focus where it needs to be! I'm in no way ashamed to be an American, but I can honestly say I am ashamed of the way our information/
Internet/news media
ect... is ran! When I win the lottery I am gonna buy a TV station and finally give news to the common American that the common American wants and
Was JUST discussing this! I will even add to your point! Has anyone in the news, since all we are talking about it how much the wedding cost.... even commented on the plus side? Who cares how much she got paid for the publicity. Didnt she just pump at least a giant portion of 10 million dollars into the american economy? Caterers, chefs, designers, delivery trucks, security guards... all got paid!!
ReplyDeleteYou are right about the news updates too. I get most of mine from people i follow on twitter.