Friday, November 11, 2011

Do you want this job or not?

Femminists ruin everything....  Take this latest sexual harrasment story in the news.  It destroys everything they worked for in Womans equality.  Will I explain?  of course:)

Personally, sometimes i wish this countrys value system went back in time to something of the old west.  If women worked back then, it was as a teacher, and their primary roll was running a home or raising children.  People stopped when they entered a room, and stood when they joined them at dinner.  Although not "equal" to men, they were respected and treated as precious.
Imagine, in that time period, if a woman was shopping, or out to dinner, and a man made a sexual comment to her.  Of course she would be horrified, becasue it wouldnt be appropriate, and would tell him so.  What she had to do would stop there though.  If any man was in the vicinity, they would most likely approach the asshole and demand an apology, or take him outside and beat his ass.  No one just came up and talked to women like that!
Over the years, women have fought for their right to vote, and right to work  To femminists it was insulting to be treated as the weaker sex, and they demanded equality.
Fast forward to today.  All of these years, and all of these changes to who women are in society, and in the workplace, and they are working backwards.  If you truly think you are equal to men, this victim approach to sexual harrasment is bullshit.  Sadly, most men arent allowed to open the door for female co-workers, so they definitely arent going to fight for your honor... so they are out of the equation.  Time to take matters into your own hands ladies!  Are you powerful enough to run a department, and savy enough to make your company money?   Well then you sure as shit can walk over to Dan in accounting and tell him to stop forwarding you jokes you find offensive!!  And you definitely can let some co-worker know that their comments have gone too far and you dont appreciate it.   You ARENT allowed to take a "How dare he!" approach, though.  You fought for your right to be equal to him in the workplace, and have given up your "delicate preciousness"... so deal with it.

on a side note, wouldnt it be nice if you didnt have to deal with it though??   It would be so nice to just have a fellow co-worker take him out back and defend your   Ya, that doesnt happen anymore though:)

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