Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'll Take a 12 Pack Nugget and a Sweet Tea Please!

Quick rant:

Let’s talk a little about Chick-fil-A (CFA for blogs sake) for a moment shall we.  CFA will NOT be discriminating against people who wish to buy food from them. To do so, CFA would be exposing themselves to a massive class action lawsuit from the LGBT community as that group is likely to find protection under the Civil Rights Act (64, 91). CFA will also NOT be discriminating against potential employees who are LGBT. To do so would break laws enforced by the EEOC, a specific government agency devoted to stopping just such discrimination.  So, if you don’t like what Dan Cathy said, that’s fine. But can we please stop squealing with offense because CFA is “discriminating” against people!? As soon as CFA denies service to someone because they’re gay or denies employment to someone because they’re gay, THEN you can get all pissy and will be justified and righteous in being such.  Now, if you want to boycott, picket, pee your pants or whatever because you don’t like what Mr. Cathy said, feel free! Have at it!  Knock yourself out! Enjoy your right to free speech. Mr. Cathy exercised just that right the other day!  I’ll be over here eating what I want to eat (the best freaking chicken nuggets EVER) and loving all the people I loved two weeks ago, plus any new folks I’ve come to love in the interim!  Oh, and from a business standpoint, I can’t believe he said that. Bad business, but clearly, he doesn’t care about that as much as he cares about his beliefs. There’s something admirable about that, even if you do hate what he had to say.